Bikers Who Survive a Wreck Often Have a Lot to Say about Safety States Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer
Jul 28, 2012
Atlanta, GA (Law Firm Newswire) July 27, 2012 – Getting out of a motorcycle wreck alive and able to function is virtually a miracle. It makes survivors crusaders for common sense safety.
“Bikers who survive a horrific wreck often want to give back to their community the gift of common sense safety when it comes to motorcyclists. They want to raise the awareness of other drivers about sharing the road safely, about being aware of everything going on around them and reduce the number of serious injuries and fatalities racked up every year,” said Stephen Ozcomert, an injury lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia, who practices personal injury, accidents and malpractice law.
It is a worthy goal to try and achieve, as a vast majority of the motorcycle versus passenger vehicle crashes are often preventable. No matter how defensively a biker may ride, they are still sitting ducks, without much protection. While they may be wearing leathers and a helmet, in some accidents, like a broadside T-bone into the side of another vehicle, it will not make much of a difference. The force of a sudden stop into a metal object often causes the shearing of internal organs, ruptures, broken bones, dislocations and even brain trauma.
Most bikers are careful riding, because they know they are ‘out there’ and no one seems to see them. Do bikers trust other drivers? “Very often the answer to that is ‘No.’ Even experienced bikers find that about every third time they climb aboard their ride, they get into a close call, and usually, it is the result of a driver not paying attention to where they are going, and not watching out for other vehicles, like motorcycles,” Ozcomert remarked.
Is there a solution to this dilemma of motorcycles being virtually invisible? The only solution that makes the most sense would be a serious education campaign directed at drivers to make them aware that they do not own the road and must take care to share, safely, with bikers.
“However, with some people being what they are, this type of a campaign would only work for the drivers who really give a darn about the lives of others. It’s a bit like a drunk driver getting behind the wheel in an almost comatose state, driving and getting into a wreck. They knew better, but they went ahead and did it anyway. Some drivers know better, and do look out for all potential threats while driving. Others are too busy texting or talking to pay attention to anything,” said Ozcomert.
“Bikers who survive a crash are welcome to call me and discuss their situation. That is my job, to help you obtain compensation for your injuries. Don’t wait too long to call, as you will be inundated with insurance companies who what you to settle fast and cheap. Talk to me first,” suggested Ozcomert.
To learn more, contact Atlanta personal injury lawyer Stephen Ozcomert by visiting http://www.ozcomert.com.
Stephen M. Ozcomert, PC
215 North McDonough Street
Decatur, GA 30030
Call: (404) 370-1000
Stephen M. Ozcomert, PC
3575 Piedmont Road Northeast #1560
Atlanta, GA 30305
Call: (404) 370-1000