Elder Law Attorney With Hook Law Center Says Planning Crucial For Retirement Health Care
Sep 17, 2013
Virginia Beach, VA (Law Firm Newswire) September 17, 2013 – A recent study shows baby boomers may not adequately understand their retirement health care needs.
The Center for Secure Retirement surveyed 1,300 middle-income people aged 49 to 67. Those surveyed tended to underestimate the cost of long-term care and the likelihood they will need it. Most lacked a plan to pay for health care and a proper understanding of what Medicare provides.
“Health care in retirement represents a great financial challenge for many Americans,” said Virginia elder law attorney Andrew Hook. “Knowledge and planning are immensely important no matter your financial situation.”
The results show 72 percent of those surveyed have no plan for health care in retirement, 20 percent had a rough plan, and just 8 percent had a detailed plan. About half had not discussed with anyone their wishes for long-term care or how they might pay for it. Statistics show some two thirds of middle-income baby boomers will need long-term care, but just one third of those surveyed believe they will require it. Survey respondents as a whole underestimated by half the cost of nursing home care, and nearly 80 percent either had the mistaken belief that Medicare covers long-term care or simply had no idea how they would pay for it if needed.
“Recent and upcoming retirees seem to be reluctant to engage in even the first stages of information-gathering and planning,” added Hook. “This may be based on a fear of what they might find, which is understandable. But middle-income Americans can usually piece together Medicare, private insurance, and retirement savings to make a good strategy. They just need a little help, and that’s where an experienced elder law attorney comes in.”
The survey also illustrated a shift in how baby boomers expect to manage their care when compared with previous generations. For instance, 71 percent of previous generations included moving in with their kids as part of their plan to manage their health care. Less than half as many boomers – 33 percent – said the same. An option rising in popularity is long-term care insurance. 72 percent of boomers expect to incorporate it into their plans, as compared with 22 percent of retirees from previous generations.
Learn more at http://www.hooklawcenter.com/
Hook Law Center
295 Bendix Road, Suite 170
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452-1294
Phone: 757-399-7506
Fax: 757-397-1267
5806 Harbour View Blvd.
Suite 203
Suffolk VA 23435
Phone: 757-399-7506
Fax: 757-397-1267
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