Zamansky LLC Investigates Campbell Strategic Allocation Fund, Campbell Global Trend Fund And Other Managed Futures Funds
May 14, 2014
New York, NY (Law Firm Newswire) May 14, 2014 – Zamansky LLC announces that it is investigating the Campbell Strategic Allocation Fund, Campbell Global Trend Fund and other managed futures funds (“Campbell Funds”). The investigation is over the suitability of the Campbell Funds, and the sales of these funds to brokerage customers by their brokerage firms.
According to investment fraud attorney Jacob Zamansky, as managed futures funds, the Campbell Funds have substantial risks associated with leverage and the speculation involved in their trading strategy. These funds are suitable or appropriate only for investors willing to speculate or bear substantial risk of loss, Zamansky states. Any investor who is not sure whether this investment is appropriate for you, should have their situation reviewed by a professional, Zamansky believes.
What Campbell Fund Investors Can Do
If you are an investor in the Campbell Funds who wishes to have your circumstances or investment reviewed or discuss your legal rights, you may, without obligation or cost to you, email jake(at)zamansky(dot)com or call the law firm at (212) 742-1414.
About Zamansky LLC
Zamansky LLC is a leading stock law firm specializing in securities and shareholder fraud and class actions. We are stock fraud attorneys who represent both individual and institutional investors. Our practice is nationally recognized for our ability to aggressively prosecute cases and recover investment losses.
To learn more about Zamansky LLC, please visit our website, http://www.zamansky.com.
Zamansky LLC
50 Broadway – 32nd Floor
New York, NY 10004
Jake Zamansky
Phone: 212-742-1414
Email: jake(at)zamansky(dot)com