Tune In to The Todd Leonard Radio Show Featuring Russ Holden From Caddy For A Cure
Aug 18, 2020
Denville, NJ (Law Firm Newswire) August 18, 2020 – Russ Holden, PGA Member for over 35 years, founded Caddy For A Cure, which allows members of the public to caddy for a PGA TOUR player, with 100 percent of the proceeds being donated to charities. Russ is a remarkable man, making a difference in many lives.
It is an exciting opportunity to let the public inside a PGA TOUR venue and caddy for a player. It is an incredible opportunity to caddy for some of the top players in the world on some of the best golf courses in the nation.
Caddy For A Cure, Inc. was founded as a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation to provide funds to worthy charities. The benefiting charities from the program are the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Birdies For the Brave, the PGA TOUR player’s charity of choice, the PGA TOUR host site charity of choice and the Caddy Assistance fund.
Some of the national and regional-based charitable organizations helped through this program have included:
* Alzheimer’s Foundation’s
* American Cancer Society
* Boys & Girls Clubs of American
* Champions for Education
* Fore Kids Foundation’s
* Gilda’s Club
* Hilton Head Heroes
* HopeKids/A Hand of Hope
* Make-A-Wish Foundation
* St. Jude Children’s Hospital
* Teach for American
* The ALS Foundation’s
* The Healing Place
* The Tiger Woods Foundation
Donations to Caddy For A Cure are more than welcome and can be made here.
Click to listen to the Caddy For A Cure podcast here.
Each week, the Todd Leonard Show brings on those who truly make a difference. Know anyone who is making a difference in lifting up the community? Please send us an email at tleonard@lawleonard.com or call us at (973) 920-7900 so they can appear on the show.
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