Bills Moving Through the U.S. Congress

Court House

Better Rear Bumpers on Tractor Trailers May Save Lives, Agrees Brunswick Personal Injury Lawyer

Brunswick, GA (Law Firm Newswire) February 26, 2013 – A new study shows that a better designed rear bumper on commercial trucks may save lives.…

Court House

Parents Sue Hospital Over Baby’s Cerebral Palsy

Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) February 26, 2013 – Substandard medical care is alleged to blame for the brain damage of a child born in…

Court House

Family of Illinois State Trooper Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Chicago, IL (Law Firm Newswire) February 25, 2013 – A wrongful death lawsuit has been filed by the family of an Illinois State Trooper who…

Court House

Study Finds For-Profit Nursing Homes Lead in Overcharging

White Plains, NY (Law Firm Newswire) February 25, 2013 – The nursing home industry has been over-billing Medicare. According to federal inspectors, the nursing home…

Court House

If FMLA is Needed, An Employee Must Follow Company FMLA Protocol

Chicago, IL (Law Firm Newswire) February 25, 2013 – FLMA rules and protocol are in place for employees to follow. If the rules are not…

Court House

Newest Smart Car Technology Looks Promising Agrees Brunswick Personal Injury Lawyer

Brunswick, GA (Law Firm Newswire) February 22, 2013 – New technology will allow cars more autonomy. Toyota has announced that it is working on technology…

Court House

Special Needs Lawyers Hosting Annual Special Needs Trust Community Seminar

Palo Alto, CA (Law Firm Newswire) February 22, 2013 – The special needs planning attorneys of Gilfix and La Poll Associates, LLP, invite the public…

Court House

Study Reveals Junior Seau Suffered From CTE

Chicago, IL (Law Firm Newswire) February 22, 2013 – An NFL linebacker who committed suicide was suffering from brain damage. httpvh:// Junior Seau, the NFL…

Court House

Lawyer Magazine, Bigger Law Firm, Features Latest Trends In Web Designs in February Issue

Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) February 22, 2013 – Law firms that want to know what web designs are hot and what designs will not…

Court House

Littman Krooks Obtains Services for NYC Child Denied FAPE

White Plains, NY (Law Firm Newswire) February 21, 2013 – A teen with special needs finally receives appropriate services after legal intervention. The Special Education…