Bills Moving Through the U.S. Congress

Court House

The Dilemma of Choosing Assisted Living or a Nursing Home

Waxahachie, TX (Law Firm Newswire) July 17, 2012 – The good news is that thanks to medical advances and other factors, people are living longer…

Court House

Miami Immigration Lawyer Fears Immigration Reform is a Perpetual Football

Miami, FL (Law Firm Newswire) July 17, 2012 – The more the concept of immigration reform gets bunted about, the less likely it is to…

Court House

New Jersey Estate Planning Attorney Explains Estate Planning In the Midst of Uncertainty Regarding Tax Changes

Moorestown, NJ (Law Firm Newswire) July 17, 2012 – Under current law, a federal estate tax is only assessed on an individual’s estate assets over…

Court House

Houston Immigration Lawyer on Illegal Immigrants and Voting

Houston, TX (Law Firm Newswire) July 16, 2012 – Illegal immigration has been the proverbial hot-button topic from the time the 2012 Presidential race began…

Court House

Solar Eclipse Causes Car Pedestrian Accident Reports Arkansas Injury Lawyer

Little Rock, AR (Law Firm Newswire) July 16, 2012 – Car accidents happen for a number of reasons. In this case, the at-fault driver, attempted…

Court House

When Kids Die as a Result of a Drunk Driver Something Infinitely Precious is Lost Notes Austin Personal Injury Lawyer

Austin, TX (Law Firm Newswire) July 13, 2012 – Kids are not supposed to die before their parents. This drunk driving case caused two families…

Court House

Detroit Hosted National Veteran Small Business Conference

Northville, MI (Law Firm Newswire) July 13, 2012 – One of the biggest challenges facing any veteran is the transition into civilian life, once his…

Court House

Attorneys Riolo & Sadove Join Littman Krooks LLP

New York, NY (Law Firm Newswire) July 12, 2012 – Littman Krooks LLP is pleased to announce that attorneys Michael J. Riolo, Esq., and Stacy…

Court House

Cleveland Medical Malpractice Lawyer Indicates Birth Injuries May Not Show Up Immediately

Cleveland, OH (Law Firm Newswire) July 12, 2012 – Even if the delivery went well, and there are no immediate signs of birth injuries, they…

Court House

Bad Doctors Commit Medical Negligence, Not Bad Systems Asserts New Hampshire Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Keene, NH (Law Firm Newswire) July 11, 2012 – Some think medical negligence is caused by a bad system. In fact, it is more attributable…