Bills Moving Through the U.S. Congress

Court House

Houston Immigration Lawyer Doubts Immigration Reform Will End Discrimination

Houston, TX (Law Firm Newswire) June 22, 2012 – If immigration reform dealt with real issues, other than legalities, discrimination would be front and center…

Court House

Judge Refuses to Dismiss Lawsuit over Nursing Homes

Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) June 21, 2012 – A judge recently declined to dismiss a lawsuit filed by Florida’s former ombudsman of long-term care,…

Court House

Health Insurance May not Prevent Medical Related Bankruptcies

Brandon, FL (Law Firm Newswire) June 20, 2012 – A good health plan can prevent financial disaster, but when deductibles are higher than a patient…

Court House

Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit Attorneys Urge Congress to Take Action

“Johnson & Johnson’s withdrawal of their defective TVM transvaginal mesh products is a good first step towards patient safety,”– Attorney Ryan L Thompson of Watts…

Court House

Illinois Click It or Ticket Campaign Promotes Safety Belt Use

Chicago, IL (Law Firm Newswire) June 19, 2012 – The Illinois State Police joined more than 500 law enforcement agencies throughout the country in the…

Court House

National Prescription Drug Abuse Conference Held in Orlando

Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) June 18, 2012 – A national conference was held in Orlando, Florida, recently to bring together those involved in fighting…

Court House

Houston-based Commercial Real Estate Law Firm Successfully Defends Commercial Real Estate Client Against Lender In Parallel Litigation

Houston, TX (Law Firm Newswire) June 18, 2012 – Andrews Myers, a Houston-based commercial real estate law firm, recently consummated a settlement and obtained dismissal…

Court House

A Higher Paying Job Could Lead to a Stronger Marriage

Zephyrhills, FL (Law Firm Newswire) June 15, 2012 – Financial challenges are stressful for one person, but can cripple a relationship. When searching for a…

Court House

Tampa Veterans Disability Lawyer Recommends Training Program

Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) June 14, 2012 – A new program designed to retrain almost 100,000 veterans for the American workforce launches this month.…

Court House

Vaksman Law Offices Launches Mobile App To Connect With Clients On All Screens

San Francisco Law Firm Offers Free App Through Google Play and the Mobile Web Using HTML5 San Francisco, CA (Law Firm Newswire) June 13, 2012…