Bills Moving Through the U.S. Congress

Court House

Balancing States Rights with Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Miami, FL (Law Firm Newswire) February 23, 2011 – States these days are insisting they have rights when it comes to doing what they want…

Court House

Speed On The Highway Is Deadly in New Hampshire

Keene, NH (Law Firm Newswire) February 22, 2011 – Too many Americans these days think speed is the way to get to where they are…

Court House

Bankruptcy Has Certain Exemptions in Iowa

Des Moines, IA (Law Firm Newswire) February 22, 2011 – Depending on the state in which one lives, there may be access to state or…

Court House

Hotel Away from Home May be Scene of Slip and Fall Accident

Austin, TX (Law Firm Newswire) February 22, 2011 – Slip and fall accidents may happen literally anywhere. Commonly, they happen on trips or vacations, at…

Court House

Car Accidents May Result in Apportionment of Liability

Little Rock, AR (Law Firm Newswire) February 21, 2011 – On the surface, some car wrecks look like only one person caused the crash. In…

Court House

It Pays to Protect a Business Website from Copycats and Hackers

Los Angeles, CA (Law Firm Newswire) February 18, 2011 – Imagine a business owner doing a routine Google search of his business and name, only…

Court House

Tampa Veterans Lawyer Offers Winning Veterans Benefits Strategy

Tampa, FL (Law Firm Newswire) February 18, 2011 – Tampa Veterans attorney David W. Magann, P.A. offers veterans his winning strategy to garner VA (veterans…

Court House

Recent GAO Report Addresses H1B Visa Program

Dallas, TX (Law Firm Newswire) February 17, 2011 – The United States Government Accountability Office recently completed a comprehensive study of the H-1B visa program.…

Court House

The Complexities Of A Testimony From A Child Could Outweigh The Benefits In A Divorce Case

Brandon, FL (Law Firm Newswire) February 16, 2011 – In 2011, almost half of all kids in America live in divorced or separated families. When…

Court House

Woman Dies After Being Sandwiched in a Truck Accident

Atlanta, GA (Law Firm Newswire) February 16, 2011 – Commercial trucks virtually dominate American highways. Unfortunately, they also dominate in accident statistics. Driving these days…