Bills Moving Through the U.S. Congress

Court House

Anesthesiologists Hold the Lives of Patients in their Hands

When the lights go out prior to surgery, patients want to know they will wake up in one piece. Cleveland, OH (Law Firm Newswire) January…

Court House

Defective Product Claims and Unsafe Foods are on the Rise

Not a day goes by when the news does not carry word of yet another defective product. One wonders what happened to the reliable way…

Court House

Drinking and Boating Results In Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Boating and drinking do not mix. This case is a prime example of what not to do when boating. Atlanta, GA (Law Firm Newswire) December…

Court House

Hiring an Attorney May Help Reduce the Stress of a Divorce

These days, divorce is more common than ever before in our society. It is reported that about 50 percent of all first marriages do not…

Court House

Franchising A Business May Be The Best Way To Expand Says LA Attorney Anthony Spotora

Los Angeles, CA (Law Firm Newswire) December 28, 2010 – For those with a successful business, franchising can be a good way to expand quickly…

Court House

Veterans Lawyer Foresees Long Waits After Agent Orange Case

A recent U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims case pushed Vietnam-era Agent Orange exposure back into the news, and may slow down the already…

Court House

Annual Immigrant Visa Report Shows Long Waiting Lists According to Dallas Immigration Lawyer

The National Visa Center released its annual report of immigrant visa applicants in the family-sponsored and employment-based preferences in early November, 2010. Dallas immigration attorney…

Court House

Only Contest a Will When Absolutely Necessary, California Elder Law Attorney Explains Why

Contesting a will is not easy, but may sometimes be necessary to preserve the proper distribution of an estate. Hayward, CA (Law Firm Newswire) December…

Court House

Burn Victims Can Suffer Below the Surface If Untreated

Burns may range from minor to life threatening. They all have one thing in common; the seriousness of a burn can’t always be determined by…

Court House

Annulments are Preferred Over Divorce in California if You Qualify

An annulment wipes out your marriage off the books, as if it never happened or existed. It is a legal proceeding declaring the marriage null…